Prayer Requests

If you missed FNF, here are some of the things that we are praying about this week. Please remember to bring one or two of these things to God in your prayers and we will watch as He works out His answers!
  • the Japanese people and country's strong recovery
  • Chinwe's BIG DEADLINE/defense on Friday.
  • Hilary & Matt as they share the faith through bible study with friends. Also, that God'll work through them to witness to their family.
  • Rose's prayer for an increase in clientele.
  • Chere-Ann (& Chinwe) to find a job; also for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
  • Zeke's family in California (safety).
  • Raymond (& other students/teachers) to excel and finish the semester strong. Also, for the drive-thru prayer efforts.
  • Matt gave thanks that we have salvation and the ability to pray/ a way to approach God.
In light of Matt's praise of God's goodness (& the gift of a big, beautiful moon visible once Sabbath ended), I'll leave you with this text from Psalms 8:3-5.

3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
4 What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?
5 For You have made him a little lower than the angels,
And You have crowned him with glory and honor.

Have a great week!

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We are looking for study leaders for FNF.
Please check your schedule and if you are able to guide our discussion on James (or if there's a topic you've wanted to bring up-- or even a sermon/video you'd like to share!), please leave a comment or contact Tanci.

March 25 -- Geneva (thanks!)
April 1
April 8
April 15
April 22
April 29
May 6th, etc. You get the idea :-)

Thank you all for your willingness to lead out, for facilitating our awesome bible studies, for "letting God use you", and for being a part of FNF.
It can't happen without ALL of us contributing.

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Friday 3/18/11 Feast






This week at the Friday Night Feast...

We will Be hosted by Matt, Hillary and Fiona!

This week feast will be at the Birmingham First Church

Physical feast starts at 7:00 pm
Spiritual Feast starts at 7:30 pm

will continue studying James
*The study leader information will be updated shortly

(If you are interested in leading out one night feel free to inquire when you reach :)
So come out and enjoy the Food...the Fellowship...and the Family...!!^_^!!

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Friday 3/11/11 Feast

Do you want to study some more James?

James Chapter 2 in particular?

Would you like to study with family?

You can look no further and wait no longer!

This week Vuyo will lead out the continuation of James 2!

Our hosts this week are Matt and Hillary!
this week we will feast at the Birmingham First Church!

Physical feast starts at 7:00 pmSpiritual Feast starts at 7:30 pm
Come out and partake of the Food...the Fellowship...and the Family...!!^_^!!

!Friday Night Feast!

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3/4/11 Feast

!Friday Night Feast!

This week at the Friday Night Feast...

We will Be hosted by Kirk!

Our Study leader will Be Vuyo!

and we will continue studying James! With so many things to look forward to one can only come
come out....

The Physical feast starts at 7:00 pm
and the Spiritual Feast starts at 7:30 pm

There will be lots of Food...Fellowship...and Family...

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