Nov 28th - No FNF for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I pray that we all had an enjoyable day, filled with friendship, fellowship, family and fun. If not though, remember that a life full of Christ is all we really need!

Due to differing plans this weekend for the holiday and no volunteers to host/lead out, there will be no FNF this weekend. Have a blessed Sabbath when it comes. 
Lots of love!

Thanksgiving Blessings
Praying you are...
Blessed in a way that brings God's presence closer than you have ever known it...
Blessed in a way that assures you of the plans He has for your life...
Blessed in a way that fills your heart with a thousand"thank-yous" for all that His hand will bring your way.
May the Lord continually BLESS YOU with Heaven's blessings as well as with human joys. Psalm 128:5 TLB