Sabbath Reminder

Sabbath at Birmingham First is FNF group. Hope all of you can make it! It won't be the same without you!

Here's the bulletin info as a reminder to those of you who have comitted to doing something.

Theme: "We are the Light of the World . . . "

By Friday Night FeastExaltation begins at 10:45
Opening song We are His Hands
Opening prayer: Jeff Nyagami
Welcome/announcements: Chichi Chilomo
Children's story: Karah Thompson
Sabbath in Kenya/
offering for World Mission: Symon Gitari
Offertory Sarah & Grace Shim
Moments of Prayer: Rebecca Mack
Scripture Reading Treson Thompson
Presentation Sarah Shim
Special music: Karugia Ladies
Sermonette: Tre Thompson
Closing "So Send I You" #578

Looking forward to seeing you all there! Yipee!

Prayer Request: Miguel's mother in law just had surgery for a tumor, and they have requested prayer for their family and the stress of everything. Thanks so much! We all know that connecting to God's power really does work, so keep their family in your daily prayers!